...and with that, I swear I'm done slapping random crap up here. For tonight.
(yes, my creativity is at an all-time low.)
Be afraid. Be very afraid - I am. Why? Because I’m afraid that the real Jane and John Q. Publics out there aren’t paying attention. True, most of them – us, really – have our minds on paying the bills and putting enough gas in the tank to get back and forth to work.
But if you are really going to be engaged in this presidential race, you have to pay REALLY close attention – you have to root around yourself to hear what the candidates are saying, and you have to do a whole lot of fact-checking.
Because you can’t count on MSM. If nobody’s been knocked up, they’re not into it.
What are they writing or broadcasting about the distortions – ok, call them what they are: LIES – coming out of the McCain/Palin joint? She never supported the Bridge to Nowhere? Riiiiiight, and abstinence-only makes total sense to teen-agers.
Obama is going to raise all our taxes? Sure, and the wealthiest 1% know how bad $3.50-a-gallon gas hurts.
Or you can do the unpopular thing and take a look at the FACTS: Barack Obama will CUT taxes for 150 million working Americans with his Making Work Pay Tax Cut. It’s a $500 tax credit per person or $1,000 per family. And it will eliminate income taxes for 10 million of us.
So, who’s getting that message out?
I’m also genuinely worried about what kind of October Surprise they’re planning for us in Bushville. I fully expect to be sitting at a Predators game when they flash something on the Megatron about Sarah Palin taking down bin Laden with a moose rifle. The crowd will go wild, Tootoo will whip the shit out of the first guy he can get his hands on, and McCain’s a shoo-in.
And if none of that scares you, take a look at Zombie McCain. A role he was born to play! (Though they could have left out the POW shot - that probably should be off limits.)
Maybe I watch too many zombie movies. Maybe I was too young to remember what November 1992 felt like. Maybe I can’t get 2000 and 2004 out of my head.
h/t Newscoma for Zombie McCain