
You wanna go?

Sharon Cobb said it well - Will Any Vagina Do ? I especially liked:
I knew McCain was going to pick a woman, but I thought he'd at least pick a qualified woman like Kay Bailey Hutchison. But like most men, he went with the younger and prettier woman. (Kind of like when he dumped his wife for Cindy McCain) Ah, family values.
On a mostly unrelated note, I don't appreciate Palin invoking the greatest sport on earth to describe herself. I'd like to see Hillary drop the gloves with her.

A question for Palin

Dear Governor Palin,

What does it feel like to be a gimmick?

- Jane Q. Public


What a curious life we have found here tonight

I can't remember crying over how I looked any time other than when my mom would cut my hair when I was a kid.

But I found myself, face down in my pillow sobbing a little while ago. Maybe it was hormonal. Maybe it was the emotionally charged night we've all had. Maybe I'm crazy. Most likely it's a little of all three and then some.

There are people out there working much harder than I am (*ahem* petit fours) to get healthy and have a much bigger hill to climb than I do, but that doesn't make it any easier for me to look in the mirror when I don't like what I see.

It's tough, too, because I've been on the winning side of this battle before. I think not being happy with your appearance is even more difficult when you can remember a time when you were pleased with it. You know what you're missing.

I could sit here and try to be high and mighty, saying that this doesn't have anything to do with how other people see me, but I'd be lying. 90% of the time it is simply because I'm not happy with myself, but it hurts when you have to stand up and face the fact that where people once found you desirable, you now don't get a second look. It just sucks.

So, let's recap - we all witnessed a really important part of history tonight, Barack Obama gave an AMAZING speech and Olivia feels fat and sad.

I can always turn it into a Me event, can't I? Pity parties are lame.

"America, we are better than these last eight years."


How long am I going to have to harp on the concept of broad appeal?

I keep saying it and saying it, but people keep missing the point.

No, I don't have a problem with Obama making the acceptance speech at Invesco - that seems like the best way to do it. I think it's really awesome that that's being done in a location that will allow for so many people to share in the experience.

However, some folks don't seem to see the importance of him visiting some smaller forums as well to engage groups who aren't Yellow Dog Democrats like us. It seems like these individuals can't see past the sound byte factor that comes from Bredesen simplifying his point by using Wal-Mart as an example.

Come on guys, this is why some people think we're elitist pricks.




I thought Bill - or Billiam, as I prefer to call him - did just fine, but I wasn't enamored. Maybe it's just because my 16-year bout with Bill-itis went into a bit of remission in the primary season when he got so snippy.

In contrast, Senator Clinton's speech was phenomenal - she had the sound bytes. And let's face it, folks, sound bytes are what it boils down to in the morning. Not everyone's as engaged as I am or you are (I assume you are if you're reading this, anyway). 

(I want to be self-deprecating and say that if I'm sitting here watching this convention every night for hours, I'm a nerd. It's true and it's not. There's something to be said for trying to be informed.)

However, the simple fact is that, for any number of reasons, there are plenty of people out there who take their news and form their opinions from the sound bytes on the morning news.

Make it short, make it raw, and give it broad appeal.

I want you to get up right now and go to the window...

Ok, it's time to go out and be tough and mean.  Democrats never get anywhere with mild manners.  I don't think we're going to see Obama and McCain in a cage match (though Biden might be game for it), but there needs to be some verbal ass whooping starting Friday if not sooner.

That's my political strategy.  I'm Jane Q. Public and I approve this message.

Tell me now baby is he good to you

I got quite a bit of video at Springsteen. I make no claims for good quality of video or sound (as it's quite awful), but I'm excited nonetheless. This particular video is from when he made an attempt at a cover of "Walk the Line" per fan request, followed up with "I'm On Fire" (my favorite Springsteen song). Without further ado...


And we'll become...

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pantsuits?

Ok, I lied.  I've been watching the convention the whole time and putting rollers in my hair (you would not believe the picture that you're NOT GOING TO GET of me right now).

I'll watch They Live when HRC's done.

I'm all outta bubblegum

I just don't think I can do the convention tonight - I took in hours of it last night.  I've got to save up some energy for Wednesday and Thursday night, after all.  I'll tune back in for Hillary, but that's it.

Besides, my copy of They Live arrived today!!!

a one world state as human freight

Just because...

Are you fucking kidding me?

Call me naive, but I forgot for a minute how cruel people can be.
Maybe Elizabeth Edwards wants her kids to have a good relationship with the parent they have left when she's gone? Who knows? And who are we to question her motives? IT ISN'T OUR BUSINESS ANYMORE. IT'S OVER.


The district sleeps alone tonight

I wish he could be a hockey fan instead, but basketball will do. It's better than golf!


Ohmygodohmygodohmygod I WANT TO VOMIT:

Why do people have to make their stupid scene a part of everything?  And when will people stop with the dumbass wedge haircuts?!


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Best thing I've seen all week!


The Boss in Gnash's House


I've uploaded the first chunk of photos from Springsteen. None are phenomenal because my camera just didn't have what it took, but they're worth a peek. I'll try and get the rest up post-iced coffee tomorrow, but I'm having immense difficulty keeping my eyes open at the moment.

I'll dream of the Obama-Biden White House!


I don't mind his hair plugs - I think he's neat

I am always right. Always. Now give me some money.


I submit without comment


Everybody look at the moon!

Ok, I'm guessing it was something in the air in Florida that has caused my skin to die the death.  This is the worst it's ever been -- my face resembles the surface of the moon.  Any clever home remedies, interesting skincare product recommendations, or tips from your old Aunt (or "Aint" as my family pronounces it) Hazel would be greatly appreciated.  Umthx!


Don't know how to feel about this

Disappointed in some of the bloggers

It's really irritating when I read things from local bloggers who refuse to see the fact that Democratic politicians do have to appeal to the Wal-Mart crowd. I've addressed the pragmatism issue before. Why do liberals get this elitist label? Because of the attitude that it's not necessary to speak to "the little people" on their own terms, and yes, make some concessions. Politics is no different from any other relationship - there's got to be a give-and-take. I don't think our politicians need to compromise to party's core values, but they have to have broad appeal if we want them to get elected. Period.


I've decided to place a bet...

...no particular evidence, just a gut feeling: I'm putting my money on Biden.  Just a guess.

'Critic put on terror watch list'

Let me tell you what you can and cannot do with your body


Ok, sorry. Just needed it out of my system. I know it's a private business and that's their right, but that doesn't make it suck any less.


Maximo, Crocodylus porosus

P8130653I went to the Alligator Farm here in St. Augustine today.  It was pretty much one of the coolest things I've ever seen.  I took more pictures than I'm willing to admit, and I've only uploaded a fraction of them to Flickr.

At the time of this post I've only uploaded pictures of Maximo, the crocodile from Australia who is 15'3" in length and weighs 1,250 pounds. He's also 36 years old, which makes him ten years my senior.

Stay tuned for the rest...


October Surprise

Oh great - October Surprise. Wonder who put that clown up to writing the book?


NEWSFLASH: The US adds two new states; States will be known as "Hawaii" and "Alaska"

So, I think that Roberts' suggestion is 99% ridiculous. But I agree 1% because people are pretty stupid where geography is concerned. Every day at work I ask people "do you have any plans to travel outside of the US in the next two years?" At least three times a week I get a yes answer explaining "we're going to Hawaii." Occasionally I get an Alaska variation. Come on, people.


Naughtiest Nose in Nashville

I haven't been out of town long enough to miss home, but I miss this nose:


Important VP info

From my inbox:

Dear Olivia --

Barack Obama is about to make one of the most important decisions of this campaign -- choosing a running mate.

You have helped build this movement from the bottom up, and Barack wants you to be the first to know his choice.

Sign up today to be the first to know:

You will receive an email the moment Barack makes his decision, or you can text VP to 62262 to receive a text message on your mobile phone.

Once you've signed up, please forward this email to your friends, family, and coworkers to let them know about this special opportunity.

No other campaign has done this before. You can be part of this important moment.



David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America


Inflatable faith

So, I'm sitting here on the second story balcony looking at the Atlantic (I'm getting as much mileage as I can out of this whole "I'm at the beach on my first vacation in eight years" thing), and I can't imagine having this view obstructed by I giant blow-up church... How tacky! Though I do wonder if it's like a jumpy castle and the nuns do some jumping after the service -- that might make it worth the tacky factor.

My view is slightly blocked by a palm tree a few feet from the balcony. I don't mind it so much.


Big man, pig man, ha ha charade you are

I'm keeping my mouth shut about the election tonight because I'm apt to say things that are a bit vitriolic.

So instead, I give you more pictures of more stones over more dead people. I'm hooked on excessive contrast, overexposure and garish color right now. Bear with me and I'll get tired of it. Anyway, these pictures are from Calvary Cemetery, the Catholic boneyard right next to Mount Olivet. They're rainbowtastic. Or something like that.  FULL SET OF PHOTOS HERE.


I don't think the result was based on anything, but hey...

blog readability test


She lives in the doorway of an old hotel

More pictures from Sunday's trip with Meathead out to Mount Olivet - and this set only has 16 photos for you to wade through. Enjoy!


We go inside and we gravely read the stones

Went out to Mount Olivet over the weekend - this time to actually go in to the old funeral home.

We went into the lower level through the wide open door, and there was a very weird heaviness down there...  Most likely something atmospheric and totally explainable by science, but it's fun to think it was something supernatural.

There was a dead something or other -- a fox was my guess -- on the carpet down there. Yes, there are pictures. We had to leave to buy flashlights, only to find that the creepy dark rooms were really just large closets... though we never went in them.

For whatever reason, there seems to be no access to the upper floor from the basement, so we had to climb through a broken window to get in (the front door had been blocked off with weird casket rolley things - pictures available).  In one room the floor was mushy and scary to walk on and it was a mess, but all-in-all not too exciting.

The excursion was a bit of the letdown because I never found any identifiable embalming area - macabre, I know, but what in the hell else are you looking for when you tresspass into a defunct funeral home?  However, there was one door that was sealed apparently with a single nail... it could have been easily kicked in, but I wasn't there to vandalize, so I'm thinking that maybe there needs to be another trip out that way after my vacation with a hammer to pry the nail out.  Although the room was on the upper floor and probably not the spot for the dirty work, I can't help but wonder why it's the one inner door that is closed off.  Who wants to go?

PHOTO SET HERE - They're all captioned, too!

Just give me one more minute and then I'll settle down...

Braisted totally missed the point of Padgett's release.  It was about pragmatic thinking: getting things done vs. political bitchslapping. It was about how Padgett suggested the same thing as the Gang of 10, only he did it two weeks ago. It was about how this is how Mike Padgett thinks. AND it was about Mike Padgett's experience in working in a bipartisan way.

WTF does this have to do with Tuke and Corker hiking together?

But as a Padgett supporter, I'd like to thank Braisted for pointing out the kind of insider guy Bob Tuke is and the kind of folks he hangs out with.

Braisted is right -- to a point -- about Memphis.   And Padgett has a fierce ground game going on down there. But Braisted seems to ignore all the non-metro counties that Padgett has worked (he went to ALL of them) and Tuke hasn't.  Those hometown Democrats know how to turn out the vote, and they remember who had time for them and who didn't.

That's where Hillary Clinton won Tennessee in January (to my dismay).  She didn't carry any of the metro counties but one -- Knox.  Whoever was working Knox County for her must've known what they were doing.

The guy's name was... um, Mike Padgett.

It could go either way on Thursday.  I just hope whoever wins can take Lamar! down.

But I predict they'll be playing the blues Thursday night in Memphis, and in Knoxville, it'll sound like the Vols just beat Florida.

Ok, I have it out of my system now.


Private Arguments Over Bipartisanship : What do you expect from someone who has been a cheerleader for the guy all along? I'm just sayin....

EDITED TO ADD: Some might say ("some" being ME) Braisted's use of "might privately argue" is a lot like Fox New's tactic of using phrases like "some say" as a means of a reporter espousing their own opinions in a story (as is covered in 'Outfoxed'). It sounds more to me like it's Braisted publicly expressing his opinion.


Mike Padgett meets with sick Oak Ridge workers, I tag along

I tagged along yesterday to a meeting between Mike Padgett and six former Oak Ridge National Laboratory workers who are now sick or dying as a result of exposure to unsafe materials at ORNL.

The fact that these folks were exposed to hazardous elements in their working environment is bad enough, but the treatment and attitude they've gotten from the machine in charge of administering the money they're entitled to through the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program is appalling.

Basically, the government puts up so much red tape and bureaucratic bullshit that people die before they can get the compensation to which they're entitled - just so they don't have to pay.  They stall these workers because they're waiting for them to die.

I really don't understand the cruelty in this world.  I'm not wired that way.

On the positive side, Padgett promised the group that, when elected, he will establish a post in his Knoxville office where an individual will work on their behalf to turn the system around and make EEOICP work for them.

Here's an article that details the struggle these workers face.  It also profiles Janine Anderson, one of the sick workers Padgett met with yesterday, whose lungs are damaged from beryllium poisoning and who will ultimately not survive due to an expanding liver that will grow to crowd out her other vital organs.

By Monday, you'll find a press release here on Padgett's meeting with the group.


hot chicken & french pastries

Had a conversation on iChat earlier...
  • me: oh my god
  • me: i need wings and petit fours!
  • me: CLASSY!
  • me: that was so classy it warranted all caps
That was one of those perfect moments in my life.