
But once in awhile the roommates get something right-

trash day

...and with that, I swear I'm done slapping random crap up here. For tonight.

(yes, my creativity is at an all-time low.)

do you wanna eat do you wanna sleep do you wanna drown?

I used to live alone before I knew ya

The roommates are driving me bananas. I love this house, and I'm certainly glad to at least be living with dudes*, but I never wanted roommates. Of course it was a move of immediate necessity, so none of us had much of a choice (30 day notice to vacate old apartments where we were neighbors, due to sale of property).

I don't know... I just miss my space. And I miss being able to go to the kitchen in the middle of the night in whatever state of undress was the style at the time.

This house is for sale, and I wish so badly that I could buy it. Oh well.

*Ladies, if we're friends, you're in a rare club. I am so much more comfortable around guys - which probably makes me a tramp.

good times for a change

the abbreviated version:

MixwitMixwit make a mixtapeMixwit mixtapes




Hip to be Square

A couple of things, neither one related to the other:

Attack of the Amys

Below is an accurate representation of what my coworkers (most of whom are named Amy) do at work while I stay busy drawing pictures of firearm-wielding breakfast food:

The Amys

The Amys

The Amys

Just sayin...

All in all, I can't complain.


What I'm wearing right now

From the post title, it has the potential to be something really dirty - sorry to disappoint, you pervs! And the girl in the picture below is not me (to those of you who haven't seen me), because I never was so lucky.

I bought it here.

I will still cast my ballot for him ... with a heavy heart.


Gun Street Girl

I'm still too shaky, so rather than typing out a narrative of what just happened, here's the instant message version:

JQP: so i had to call 911 about 20 minutes ago
JQP: i was sitting outside smoking and there was all of this yelling at the apartments next door... then i heard three loud pops, and this time i DID NOT think it sounded like fireworks.
friend: Why?
JQP: two more when i was on the phone with the dispatcher
friend: Holy shit
JQP: stuck my head out the door after that and it was totally silent - like everyone had scattered
JQP: then i see a car head down the hill and a few seconds later i hear 5 or 6 more pops that sounded like they were going down the hill with the car
JQP: the fire trucks left, but the cops are still there
JQP: my guess is that no one was shot, but that someone may have shot a gun to scare the people they were arguing with.
JQP: i wish i had a police scanner.
friend: Oh my God, that's terrifying. Are you alright?
JQP: yeah, just really on edge.
JQP: i've never called the cops in my life.


What I do at work


Combat Baby

Got bored and made some not very well thought out mixes. Oh well - it kept me entertained for 15 minutes.


1. House of Jealous Lovers / The Rapture
2. How Near How Far / ...And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead
3. Police Bastard / Doom
4. Le Garage / Futureheads
5. New Sensation / INXS
6. Y Control / Yeah Yeah Yeahs
7. Ace Of Spades / Motorhead
8. PlayGirl / Ladytron
9. Slow Hands / Interpol
10. Born In the U.S.A. / Bruce Springsteen
11. Bliss / Muse
12. U-Mass / Pixies
13. Monkey Man / The Specials
14. So Many Animal Calls / Q and Not U
15. Sloop John B / Beach Boys
16. Don't You (Forget About Me) / Simple Minds


1. Women's Realm / Belle & Sebastian
2. Twistin' The Nite Away / Sam Cooke
3. Worked Up So Sexual / The Faint
4. Saw Her Standing There / Apollo Up!
5. Negative Creep / Nirvana
6. Change Clothes / Jay-Z (Danger Mouse remix)
7. The Sweat Descends / Les Savy Fav
8. Hotel Yorba / The White Stripes
9. Rebel Yell / Billy Idol
10. Wicked Light Sleeper / Joggers
11. Stuart / The Dead Milkmen
12. Hot Lite / King Straggler
13. The District Sleeps Alone Tonight / The Postal Service
14. The King Of Carrot Flowers, Pt. 1 / Neutral Milk Hotel
15. When You Were Mine / Prince
16. Yellow / Coldplay


1. What Ever Happened / The Strokes
2. Stop / Black Rebel Motorcycle Club 
3. She Bop / Cyndi Lauper 
4. Modern Love / David Bowie
5. Bandages / Hot Hot Heat
6. Taper Jean Girl / Kings Of Leon
7. Hung Up / Madonna
8. Combat Baby / Metric
9. Walk You Home / The Features
10. I Am Trying To Break Your Heart / Wilco
11. Wheelz Of Steel / Outkast
12. A Better Son/Daughter / Rilo Kiley


The non-Duckie version

Here's a little early feel good for your Friday:

Just because...

I bring you one of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite movies:


will you worship moons in winter's night?

Just got done making a mix:

(click image to enlarge)


An entire CD's worth of really great songs didn't make the cut, so another will be forthcoming.


Like Seinfeld, About Nothing

I should update more often. I partially blame Twitter. Also the hours I have to spend on Google Reader catching up in the evenings (don't have the luxury of a job that allows extracurricular internet usage outside of lunch break, so the queue in the reader gets awfully backed up). Furthermore, some days my job sucks my will to live.

Excuses, excuses.



I heard that motherfucker had like 30 goddamn dicks.

Last night I was reminded by ThePodBaron of another favorite:

I've got a picture of George Washington up at my office, and underneath it I've written "He'll save children, but not the British children."


Average Homeboy

Oh lordy ThePodBaron just showed me a guy who HAS to be Speak's American cousin:

UPDATE: Also, see Average Homeboy 18 years Later!

Stop your business

I've determined that it's YouTube night. I bring you Speak, the Hungarian rapper:



Feel Good Friday: Say What?!

There really are no words...

Plan for Change


I got an email from my aunt...

... and it made me feel a little better:

Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures


If you could...

I don't know why I'm being such an ornery bitch tonight, but I just have this overwhelming urge to say to someone (no, not anyone in particular) "You know what? FUCK YOU." However, the only other living being in my house is the dog, and she'd probably just lick my face.

So tonight I would like to know, if you could call someone out on their bullshit (famous or not), who would it be? "Fuck you" or something a bit more eloquent. I'll go first, and you guys hit the comments...

I'm going with the obvious, so I can free everyone else up to be more creative: Sarah Palin.

What do you thrash?

Gotta get in on this FGF business simply because I'm on a tear with Thrashin':



DISCLAIMER: The language is over the top, but it stays in...  This post was written at top speed and with great anger, and it should come across in the spirit that it was written.

I read the transcript of Palin's Bush doctrine comments earlier, but watching the clip over at Tiny Cat Pants just set me off.  I ended up in my kitchen yelling because I want these people to answer Aunt B's question and say, "I'm appalled - Palin really doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about!"

But the majority won't.

The majority won't even read any blogs.  Or even read past the headline of a story.  We are a lazy ass fucking country* and most people will only take what's spoonfed to them in sound bytes, as I've said before.

I'm beyond the whole "have we not learned anything in the last eight years" rhetoric and am now in full anger mode.  I don't want to seem an elitist - God knows I've taken issue with Braisted for being dismissive and flippant about Bredesen's suggestion that Obama spend some time letting blue collar folks get to know what he's about - but what is it going to take to get people to pay attention?  No, Jim-Bob Q. Public doesn't have to spend hours poring over Google Reader, as I'm apt to do, but would it kill him to spend five fucking minutes researching the truth?

We're at the point now where McCain and Palin have been softly and quietly called out on a few of their lies, but they KEEP FUCKING REPEATING THEM.  Why?  Well, some fucking truck driver from Franklin, Kentucky, isn't going to go and read an article detailing the truth about that damned bridge...  No, he's going to hear whatever sound byte the media has to offer today about how Palin "told them 'no, thanks.'"  Or he'll hear what I listened to all morning while I, ironically, was putting my makeup on - LIPSTICK ON A GODDAMNED PIG.

What's it going to take before this country WAKES THE FUCK UP?

And, yes, I'm scared.  No, I'm not scared of Palin.  I'll meet her in a hockey rink any day, any time.  I'm scared because most of the people I see are asleep.  They never question anything.

*I realize that this opens me up to Coulter-style attacks - "liberals hate America," "blame America first," et al., but I love this country.  That's why it breaks my heart to see us fuck it up OVER AND OVER AGAIN.


They’re coming to get you, Barbara

Be afraid. Be very afraid - I am.  Why?  Because I’m afraid that the real Jane and John Q. Publics out there aren’t paying attention.  True, most of them – us, really – have our minds on paying the bills and putting enough gas in the tank to get back and forth to work.

But if you are really going to be engaged in this presidential race, you have to pay REALLY close attention – you have to root around yourself to hear what the candidates are saying, and you have to do a whole lot of fact-checking.

Because you can’t count on MSM.  If nobody’s been knocked up, they’re not into it.

What are they writing or broadcasting about the distortions – ok, call them what they are: LIES – coming out of the McCain/Palin joint? She never supported the Bridge to Nowhere? Riiiiiight, and abstinence-only makes total sense to teen-agers.

Obama is going to raise all our taxes? Sure, and the wealthiest 1% know how bad $3.50-a-gallon gas hurts.

Or you can do the unpopular thing and take a look at the FACTS: Barack Obama will CUT taxes for 150 million working Americans with his Making Work Pay Tax Cut.  It’s a $500 tax credit per person or $1,000 per family.  And it will eliminate income taxes for 10 million of us.

So, who’s getting that message out?

I’m also genuinely worried about what kind of October Surprise they’re planning for us in Bushville.  I fully expect to be sitting at a Predators game when they flash something on the Megatron about Sarah Palin taking down bin Laden with a moose rifle.  The crowd will go wild, Tootoo will whip the shit out of the first guy he can get his hands on, and McCain’s a shoo-in.

And if none of that scares you, take a look at Zombie McCain.  A role he was born to play! (Though they could have left out the POW shot - that probably should be off limits.)

Maybe I watch too many zombie movies.  Maybe I was too young to remember what November 1992 felt like.  Maybe I can’t get 2000 and 2004 out of my head.


h/t Newscoma for Zombie McCain


Holy Fucking Fuck WHAT THE FUCK?!!!

I had a very, very bizarre and creepy experience today.  Click the photo below to see what I saw.



It's silly

Once again (see bottom of his post, under "Also"), the point is missed.