
I heard that motherfucker had like 30 goddamn dicks.

Last night I was reminded by ThePodBaron of another favorite:

I've got a picture of George Washington up at my office, and underneath it I've written "He'll save children, but not the British children."


Newscoma said...

You have won the internet today.
This was just plum awesome.

jane q. public said...

Did that not totally make you pee in your pants? All credit goes to ThePodBaron on that.

George Washington would make Chuck Norris cry.

Anonymous said...

Ha, that was fucking righteous. I think my favorite may have been seeing him push the burning school over the cliff. That or "ate opponents brains and invented cocaine".

jane q. public said...

I'm a fan of the drowning British child. Dude is made of radiation. Don't fuck with him.