
War, Disinfected

So I was reading this piece about "America's Army," the video game from the US Army which is really just a recruitment tool cloaked as mindless entertainment.

Aside from the obvious issues of targeting children and sanitizing/dumbing down the combat experience in hopes of enticing them to join (not to mention the money spent to put this game together), another idea about "America's Army" struck me...  I was just thinking - and this is really nothing more than an afterthought - that it seems highly insulting to the memories of brave soldiers who fought and died and those who continue to fight to water down and trivialize their experiences.  And as a means of deceiving children, no less.  Just a thought.

I should probably note that I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with joining the military.  It's noble and brave.  I just don't like the idea of suckering young people into enlisting with grandiose and unrealistic expectations.  And I hate the idea of sending our men and women off to fight in an unjust war predicated on lies.

Well, as usual, I've said nothing new or insightful here, but I did post that link and folks should check it out.

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