
Are you fucking kidding me?

Call me naive, but I forgot for a minute how cruel people can be.
Maybe Elizabeth Edwards wants her kids to have a good relationship with the parent they have left when she's gone? Who knows? And who are we to question her motives? IT ISN'T OUR BUSINESS ANYMORE. IT'S OVER.


chez bez said...

Non-news is what this should be.

jane q. public said...

AMEN! Focus on the war, focus on the convention, focus on Darfur...

I say all of this and I have vowed to forego convention-watching tonight and opt for They Live instead.

Maybe I'll be extra ambitious and get a CD or two ready for you!

chez bez said...

I should have the same ambition.

jane q. public said...

You absolutely should. If I can find my DVD-Rs, I need to make you a copy of They Live. It's absolutely ridiculous that you haven't seen it. But I wouldn't be surprised if you started watching it and realized you had seen it before.