
What the hell is in that rrrroom?

I like Ludacris - as a musician and an actor - but come on...  This is no way to help out.

The song, called "Politics: Obama Is Here," was released earlier in the day and refers to the New York senator as an "irrelevant b***h." Ludacris, whose real name is Chris Bridges, also takes aim at John McCain in the song, saying the Arizona senator "don't belong in ANY chair unless he's paralyzed."

Edited to add: I may sound like a hypocrite because I don't exactly do much to elevate the discourse (*cough*NoCUNTryForOldMan*cough*), but I'm also not a celebrity ... or someone that anyone listens to/reads for that matter - so suck it.

Dramatic Cat

I kept waiting for the music, and sure enough...



What are you doing in my waters?

A few things...
  • I am fairly certain that I'm socially retarded.
  • You know the joy you get watching a child open Christmas presents (I don't since I haven't got any, but I'm sure it's joyful)?  Well, you can also achieve that feeling by being able to expose someone to Old Gregg (who, turn, exposes them to his mangina) for the first time.
  • I am going to St. Augustine for my first vacation in eight years in just under two weeks.  This is a good thing since stress is causing every other sentence out of my mouth to be "I want to punch [] in the face."
  • I want to punch work in the face.


I drive a Cadillac, wear my perm and I'm a G, and I'm a motherfuckin P-I-M-P

I went to post a comment on somebody's blog earlier, and the word verification looked something like this:


No joke.  I thought I'd saved the image, but apparently not.  Too bad I didn't take a screen shot of it.

I can never look at Josh Brolin the same way again...

Maybe I'm the last one, but I hadn't seen the W. trailer yet.  The Tatie sent it my way today.  I'm not sure if I'll go see it simply because living through the reality of the last 8 years has been bad enough.  Anyway, here you go:


In them old cotton fields back home

Hopefully no one misses the point that I'm just highlighting some white stupidity... I went to the flea market this afternoon and took a few pictures of some of those typical old racist caricatures that you find on items in these kind of places (or in your great grandma's kitchen). The person who had this booth also had a case of Nazi memorabilia which I skipped over. I guess that's one for another day.

Anyway, the whole set (just 11 photos) is here.

I always feel like somebody's watching me

I went out to Mount Olivet to take pictures yesterday. I probably only spent about 15 minutes doing it, though, because it was just too fucking hot. I plan to get more in the fall when it's cooler, as well as a possible trip to Cave Hill Cemetery in Louisville.

It's a beautiful cemetery, and not particularly creepy except for one thing - the old funeral home. The door was wide open (as well as numerous busted windows, but I couldn't bring myself to go in with it just being Mal and myself. In spite of the humidity and the elements, I doubt it's structurally unsound. I had more concern of running across scary squatters. However, if I could add a couple more people to my excursion, I would like to go in and find the embalming room. Morbid, I know. It gets worse. I have this ridiculous notion that I want to get one of those little head rests - the ones they use during embalming - just to have. I found one on eBay not too long ago and begged mom to bid on it for me (I know it's ridiculous, but I don't know the first thing about eBay). She ignored my request. Anyway, I kind of want to go in on the off chance that I might find one in a cabinet. So if anyone's up for a little adventure, let me know and we'll do it next weekend.

There were a couple of close-up shots I got of curtained windows in the place. Take a look at them and tell me you don't feel like you're being watched!

The full set is here.

Oh, and one more thing...


A history of violence

This just chilled me.  I fail to understand that level of hatred and brutality, and how people like this even still exist.

...Also, I'm almost afraid of what position Lou Dobbs will take.

That's the way we get by

This piece about the difficulty in getting by on the minimum wage struck a chord with me. I'm young (or I was until my dad described me as "pushing 30," anyway*) and it wasn't so long ago that I moved out on my own, so I've felt a little of this.

First, let me begin by saying that when I moved into my first apartment, I was making something like $8.50-$9 an hour, and I've never had to work for minimum wage. I always puzzled over how people could make it on that, simply because I saw the hardship with the higher wages that I was earning.

I'm fortunate enough to have family close and parents I could go to when I needed help. Aside from that, I don't even pay for my car insurance. Mom handles that. When I need money to pick up a prescription, I can call dad. I've got a used car (albeit a piece of shit, but it gets me around) and I didn't even pay the three grand or whatever it cost. For all of my bitching about the rich kids with daddy's credit card, I'm still lucky and I'm spoiled.

But what if I hadn't had that help? If, for whatever reason, I didn't have family - or maybe they were dirt poor... I have great difficulty seeing how I would have gotten by. My two bedroom apartment was a steal at $450 a month. If I didn't have the extra help in my life, I would've needed a roommate. Ok, that's fair. People have roommates. But is $1000 a month really enough to make it, even if you're splitting expenses?

I had a monthly health insurance (really shitty health insurance, I might add) premium of around $350 a month, and my dad was paying for half of that. With no parental help, you can bet that would've been one of the first things to go. And the car insurance that mom so generously paid for? By law I'm supposed to have it, but you can bet that without the assistance of family, I would do without as several of my friends do.

On top of things like insurance, the odd problem - for instance, if my car broke down - could plunge me into some sort of financial hole. I don't do credit cards, but I'd probably break down and get one and end up in tremendous debt. Anyway, I'm getting way too far from my point.

All I'm saying is that I was making considerably more than minimum wage, and without the help of family I don't know how I would have made it. I'm making quite a bit more now and I still question whether or not a home and children will ever be feasible. And what of the people who don't have parents to pick up the tab on some of their bills or bail them out when the car needs fixing? And what about a single mother - what would I have done if I had a child who, along with all of the other expenses that entails, needed to go to daycare while I worked to make ... not enough to get by?

The article from CNN mostly focused on young people moving out on their own, and I know some might argue that those people could stay at home a little longer and save up. Ok, I'll give them that (of course, they've obviously never tried living with my mother). But what about the older people? ... Like the guy who rings me up at Burger King who looks like he's about 50?

I don't know ... I feel like I'm all over the place here. I'm just saying that I haven't got a clue how people make it on the minimum wage. I don't know why we don't pay Americans enough to live.

*I kid! Settle down, 30+ people!


War, Disinfected

So I was reading this piece about "America's Army," the video game from the US Army which is really just a recruitment tool cloaked as mindless entertainment.

Aside from the obvious issues of targeting children and sanitizing/dumbing down the combat experience in hopes of enticing them to join (not to mention the money spent to put this game together), another idea about "America's Army" struck me...  I was just thinking - and this is really nothing more than an afterthought - that it seems highly insulting to the memories of brave soldiers who fought and died and those who continue to fight to water down and trivialize their experiences.  And as a means of deceiving children, no less.  Just a thought.

I should probably note that I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with joining the military.  It's noble and brave.  I just don't like the idea of suckering young people into enlisting with grandiose and unrealistic expectations.  And I hate the idea of sending our men and women off to fight in an unjust war predicated on lies.

Well, as usual, I've said nothing new or insightful here, but I did post that link and folks should check it out.


Ridin' Dirty in the Hoveround

I spend too much time (usually at work) talking about old Wilford and the 'beetis, so I want to focus on some other products which target the hip octogenarian crowd this afternoon:


The Rules Do Not Apply

"Mr. Rove needs to understand that he is not above the law and should obey a subpoena just like any other American is required to do."
Yes, one would think so, but I'm pretty sure that Republicans must be immune to laws - everyone from the double-parking Belle Meade bimbos in their ginormous SUVS to Rove to the president.  I'm just sayin' .....


I went to see The Dark Knight with my dad this afternoon.  I thought it was fantastic - though, at two and a half hours, they might've trimmed something.  Anyway, very entertaining.

Cillian Murphy made a short cameo, so that just further upped the sexyness factor.

As you can see, I also took a couple of pictures with my phone just to see how they'd turn out.  I was surprised at the clarity.

However, there's something far, far more important than men in tights and ensemble casts that I saw today, and I cannot be more excited.  Nor can I possibly see how I can wait until next year for it.  I'm not the most tuned in, but....


P.S. Is it just me or did Heath Ledger sound A LOT like Al Franken?


And where ... is the Batman?

Ooh! Speaking of movies, dad got us tickets to see The Dark Knight Saturday afternoon! I'm so excited that I could ... I don't know. Anyway, I'm excited.

Not very girly, but I think I was the only second grader with a crush on Michael Keaton. My ex-stepmom insists that I would stand on the trunk that we used for a coffee table and recite the lines along with the movie. And it's true. I even had action figures (at the time), so I'm pretty sure I've passed some sort of geek test.

pow, sock, wap, etc.

Cry Little Sister (or Corey Q. Public)

Bockie McGee and I were talking about the trailer for Lost Boys 2: Lost Tribe (it looks like the expected piece of shit) and it made me think of "Cry Little Sister," probably because someone has covered it and it's in that trailer. I've always really liked that song, and I don't know why because I guess it's not very good. There was no point to this, so watch a video ...

... oh wait ...

Let's Go Change the World

I like the new commercial (for the convention)!


Tempest Storm

"It takes four numbers, she says adamantly, four numbers to get it all off. To do it classy."
I've got a couple of funny old burlesque shorts that she's in from back in the day!



The Tatie dropped by this afternoon with our friend Wrena (the Obock Obama kid)* and she and I took some pictures.  We're cute, and if you disagree, you can suck it.

*I cannot stress enough that she is NOT MINE (though she is precious and I'd be proud if she was).  I don't have kids.  I'm still a little ways off from that one.




So my friend Wrena just called me to let me know that "Obock Obama" was on tv. That was sweet of her. Now if I could just figure out who this "Obock Obama" character is...

Trail of Dead?

The last of the cemetery pictures are up at Flickr. Enjoy.

Where the toiling ghosts strain

Another set of photos from the City Cemetery up at Flickr. There will be at least one more set after that.


There's nothing wrong with her that a hundred dollars won't fix

This is what I would look like if I lived in a shiny tunnel. Or maybe this is what I would look like as god. Not sure.


Memento Mori

The first set of cemetery photos are up at Flickr. I've got a bunch more, so I'll get them together as time permits.

Avenues and Cities of the Dead

I'm going to try and upload the pictures I took at the City Cemetery this morning in the next bit (ok, so I don't really have anything else to do).  Until then, enjoy some music-type things compiled by yours truly: janeqpublic.muxtape.com

My grandfather was a BAD ASS.

"In one famous episode Reuther was wrecked by another driver. He managed to get his crumpled car re-fired, cut across the track infield, and waited in ambush until the offending rival came down the back stretch. Bullet Bob blasted out and T-boned him."
He should've been in the NHL.



Let's all just take a moment to remember Snood.  I happen to be playing it at the moment (actually, I'm typing at the moment, but a quick shift of the track pad could change all of that).

Now I'll never get a Viagra pen

Don't know if this will make much difference, but maybe it will help a little. Pens and mugs don't bother me much. It's the expensive meals (I was glad to see that touched upon in the article).

The Bright Spot in the Shitty Work Day

Sweet Pea
I had an early lunch break today so that I could man the phones during everyone else's lunch, and on my final trip to smoke on my lunch break, a little puppy trotted up to me.

She was way too thin, way too thirsty and way too cute. She just plopped down beside me and was willing to stay there as long as I kept petting her. I got her some water and told my boss that someone was going to have to take her to the Humane Association (which is very close by) on their upcoming lunch break.

Luckily, one of my coworkers saw her and must've fallen in love because she decided to name the pup Sweet Pea and take her home to surprise her kids.

So, yeah, happy ending. I heart dogs.


Domestic Spying

"The states where this is going on include: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Tennessee, Wisconsin, and Washington, D.C."
I'm aghast.  I don't even want to believe this.


Licensed to violate the Constitution

South Carolina plans license plate for Christians

I'm not even surprised.

I think for a lot of people, having a plate like this isn't a matter of just loving their faith. I think it's a matter of being self-righteous. Maybe I'm being an asshole here, but I've known way too many smug fundamentalists.

But forget that - what about the Constitution?


Dumber than a bag of hammers

Hopefully my grandfather will kick his ass, too.

talkin to some rich folks that you know

Pretty much the same article with a few lines added: Motorplex's first champ dies - and the subtitle says "Reuther was known as aggressive driver" - heehee.

This would be a good place to note that Bozo the clown also died yesterday (I will not provide a picture because it is just too scary). My family has already agreed that it's unfortunate that he died and then most likely got his ass immediately kicked by my grandfather. But that's the way it goes.

Also, Music City Motorplex has a nice little banner (below) for Gang on their website...

upset the established order; she's no zero - she's a fuckin hero!

Can I just take a moment to explain why I'm hating my aunts at this moment? No? You can suck it. (Oh my god what the fuck is wrong with my mood?! I'm so outrageously angry.)

AUNT 1: The shit you said about me TO MY MOTHER when I was going through the most difficult period in my life ever was unkind, undue and inappropriate. Look in your own glass house before you start hurling stones at mine. What you said hurt and I'm not fucking over it.

AUNT 2: You're actually okay. I just wish that since you're the okay one, you might've thought about how I would feel getting relegated to what's essentially "the kids' table" at my grandfather's funeral. More on that in a moment.

AUNT 3: You are supposed to be the sweet one. I am mostly pissed at you for the same reason as AUNT 2, but I'm also becoming increasingly irritated with all of the showing off. I don't believe you're doing this to be hurtful, and I'm certainly glad that things are going so well for you - I would never begrudge someone what they've earned... But a little tact would be nice. Some of us are struggling to make ends meet, to pay for gas, and feel we're not ever really going to get ahead. We don't really want to be reminded of the growing divide between the haves and the have nots. There's a lot of class in being discreet is all I'm saying.
[Struck through because it's not all that relevant. It's how I feel, but that's for another day.]

I'll take it out of vague terms now. I was informed today that the front row of my grandfather's funeral had limited space which would be occupied by my mother and her three sisters (and that's as it should be), my grandfather's girlfriend (given the circumstances, this is fair) and my cousin (my grandfather's nephew) in lieu of my uncle who was the one who started this whole fucking death rollercoaster about two and a half years ago.

I am highly upset about this, primarily because I really need to sit with my mom. No, it's not about me, but we are the ones left behind, so shouldn't we be considerate of each other's feelings and try to make this as easy on each of us as possible?

And my feelings are that I want to be by my mom.  Maybe they all think I'm a selfish bitch for not coming to sit with him while he died, but I had a VERY valid reason.

When my grandmother died two years ago, I was with her almost around the clock during her last six days, sometimes sleeping on the floor at the hospice. I'm not bringing this up to be a martyr, but to make my point.  I ended up being commended by several people for whatever it was that I was doing there - and while it was all going on, I didn't think of it that way, I was just doing the right thing. But I was there and I was good with my grandma and it was the hardest thing I've ever been through. It took so much out of me, and still does when I'm unfortunate enough to mentally go back to some of those moments. It is because of that experience that I could not be at my grandfather's side in his last few days. I didn't have it in me. While he was still awake, I didn't want to lose it in front of him (and I would have - I barely kept it together on Father's Day) and make him feel guilty in the little time he had left. And I also couldn't take it because I just couldn't. So I wasn't absent because I was too busy with my own life, I was absent because I WAS (and am) HURTING SO MUCH. And that is why I need to be able to cling to my mom a little.

It's not like this is some awesome concert and I want to be in the front row because that's where the best seats are.  Funerals are not a tea party, and there are a thousand places I'd rather be.  I'm just heartbroken and I need my mom. I resent not only the fact that it's been decided that I can't have that, but also that no one even asked me how I felt about it.

Besides, I know my cousin was close to my grandfather, but I'm the grandchild and I need to pull rank here because this is so important to me. The excuse is being given that there are three grandchildren and because there's not room for all of us, I cannot sit up there. Well, I'm sorry, but FUCK THAT.  I am the adult grandchild (no, I never feel like an adult, but I'm going to go ahead and use my age to my advantage here).   I am the FIRST grandchild, and I had ten years connection to him before the next grandchild came along. I'm not trying to devalue the importance of those kids to their grandfather or their position in the family, but I don't think it's at all unfair to them to give me a seat up there.

This whole argument probably only makes sense in my head, but this means a lot to me and has me really upset. I needed to get this out (since I just couldn't summon the moxie to actually make my argument to the family) because I feel like I am going to fucking explode. That or start a fist fight at the funeral and knock over the coffin à la Suburbia. Actually, the latter sounds like a good idea, and something tells me that if it weren't his funeral, my grandpa would be there throwing punches, too.


Bob Reuther, "Gang can fix anything"

Bob Reuther
My grandfather, Bob Reuther ("Gang" to me, "Bullet Bob" to old school racIng fans) passed away early this morning. I don't have a lot to say on the subject right now because I'm still processing it, but I'm hoping someone will write some awesome article for The Tennessean in the next day or three. Gang was something of a local celebrity because he was a race car driver in the 50's, and he was also just an all around cool guy. As well as a bit of a wild man.

NOTE: I didn't take the above picture - I found it here.

UPDATE/3:45 p.m.: After receiving a call from a friend who said he'd heard about my grandfather on the radio, I checked the internet and found this: Nashville racing legend dies