Pretty much the same article with a few lines added: Motorplex's first champ dies - and the subtitle says "Reuther was known as aggressive driver" - heehee.
This would be a good place to note that Bozo the clown also died yesterday (I will not provide a picture because it is just too scary). My family has already agreed that it's unfortunate that he died and then most likely got his ass immediately kicked by my grandfather. But that's the way it goes.
Also, Music City Motorplex has a nice little banner (below) for Gang on their website...
Great post title. That song has been in my head for days now. The Caitlin Rose version.
It was stuck in my head that day - the Townes Van Zandt version that was in The Big Lebowski. I probably also wanted to use the line "Just because we're bereaved doesn't make us saps!" at some point last weekend.
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