
get my money, buy my medicine

There's a castle-like house that pops up at 2:35 appears to be a house that belonged to (and was maybe built by?) my great-great uncle, who was a bootlegger. If I'm correct, I believe it is now a recording studio. Verification from The Tatie is needed.

Picture 1

UPDATE: The house did, at some point or other, belong to my great-great uncle Walter Blankenship, a man of dubious occupation.  It's now Castle Recording Studio, from whose website I gleaned the following interesting information:

The Castle is one of the truly unique recording studios in the world in that its' physical plant was once a rest stop and hideout for one of the Roaring Twenties' most notorious figures, Al Capone. Built between 1929 and 1932 on 34 cedar-covered acres just 15 minutes south of Nashville, Tennessee, the stone edifice housed Capone bookmaker John Welch. During Welch's residency, the building was served many purposes, including serving as a bootlegging site, and local gambling house. Since that time, The Castle has seen various incarnations, including a rather elite restaurant whose clientele reportedly included Spencer Tracy and Bob Hope.

I'm still trying to get more info from The Tatie, which is proving to be difficult as she is generally too busy for anything that involves me. *insert tune from world's tiniest violin here*


Cut it out

i was going to write something about Ralph Nader, but why even waste any time on him?


Ladies; No CUNTry for Old Man

I'm a little behind with some of the articles I wanted to post, but I've been busy, so suck it.  Anyway, I've got two unrelated pieces that share a connection in that they're about the two women vying for the post of First Lady.

First, here's one about Cindy McCain's little problem...  On one hand, I wonder if it's best for my side not to stoop to this level, but at the same time, I always feel an overwhelming desire to fight back.  The other side brought this level of attack into the conversation, so why not get down in the mud, too?

"Cindy's addiction has been virtually ignored this election season. As a thought experiment, try to imagine what the reaction would be if Michelle Obama had a history with drug addiction? If Michelle Obama had stolen drugs meant for third world countries to support her own addiction?"

This next one is another piece about Michelle Obama's image makeover . . . you know, because a strong, intelligent woman is threatening.

"Yesterday's flurry of media appearances is ostensibly about "softening" Obama -- which is pretty much a euphemism for feminizing her, which is pretty much a euphemism for rendering her less problematic for the voting public and the press."

And just for giggles (***NSFW***):


Good news - Obama WILL be president!

So I was chatting with my friend Wrena, who is at the wise age of six, and I asked her who would be the next president. She looked up and said, "Obock Obama." There you have it, folks. Wrena said it's so, and that's good enough for me.



My wallet feels light

When I start a sentence with "I just spent $65.64," I should be able to end it with "on an awesome xbox game." Instead, I have to end that sentence with "on a tank of gas." And I drive a fucking Camry!



Works for me. That post actually popped up in my Google Reader about five minutes after I finished making a small donation (and by small, I mean tiny) and ordering lots of neat stuff. If you need a sticker to put on your chest or notebook or something, I'm your girl!


And now for something completely different...

Let's lighten the mood!

What I really wanted to put here was a clip from the episode of The Andy Griffith Show where Opie joins a band called The Sound Committee, but my attempts to locate it were in vain. I can at least give you IMDB's synopsis, though:

"Opie, now in a rock 'n roll band that's a hit with the local kids, is prompted by the band leader to act a less like a child and a little more like a hip musician. Opie's new "groovy" attitude leaves Andy and Aunt Bea at odds at how to handle Opie's sudden change. Andy thinks it's best to let it ride for the time being and Aunt Bea thinks that her friend*, a piano teacher, can help fix the situation because she understands the music business."

*Clara - HAIL SATAN!

Backed into a corner

When I heard the story about the Muslim women being denied seats behind Obama, I was seething. But not entirely for the reason you might think.

I absolutely DO NOT condone the treatment that the two women received. It was a regrettable error in judgement. HOWEVER, I understand exactly why it was done. Obama is backed into a corner - he would have been fucked if they'd sat behind him just as much as he was fucked because they were refused the spot (moreso for the former, probably).

We are looking at a man who has had to open up a website in the midst of his campaign in order to combat the lies and completely false smears that have plagued him from the right. If you can tell me that you honestly believe that a shot of him with those women behind him wouldn't have been plastered all over Faux News and been pasted into those ridiculous "Obama is a Muslim" emails and twisted every which way, then you're a moron.

That said, it's still really unfortunate that the ladies in question were shunned the way they were, and it sends a really shitty message.

I have also, from the start, taken the stance when I've seen those silly e-mails that falsely state Obama's religion as Islam that I had more of a problem with the insinuation that being a Muslim is something bad than the fact that it's just simply not the guy's religion. These willfully ignorant assclowns who buy into this shit seem to believe that all Muslims are terrorists, not at all taking into account that those who perpetrate terrorism are fringe extremists - fundamentalists. So by their "rationale," all Christians shoot doctors and blow up clinics. Um, no. Stereotyping is such an ugly, ugly thing.

Still, I must admit, I've taken the position - and it seems like most have, that the importance of the "what's wrong with being a Muslim" argument is overshadowed by "here are the facts, look at that and let's get him into office." I guess that's really just playing to peoples' prejudice to achieve the ends that we as Democrats want out of 2008, but things are bad and I just don't think I can stand what would effectively end up as another term of Bush. What I'm saying is, let's tackle this one thing at a time. I don't know. I feel guilty.

I just want to see him in the White House so bad it hurts.


"This report tells the largely untold human story of what happened to detainees in our custody when the Commander-in-Chief and those under him authorized a systematic regime of torture. This story is not only written in words: It is scrawled for the rest of these individuals’ lives on their bodies and minds. Our national honor is stained by the indignity and inhumane treatment these men received from their captors."

The Army general who led the investigation into prisoner abuse at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison accused the Bush administration Wednesday of committing "war crimes" and called for those responsible to be held to account.



MoveOn is having the "Hungry For Change" bake sales this go-around ("Bake Sale for Democracy" in 2004), which I think is such a fabulous idea.  I will eat baked goods for Barack any day!  Hell, I'd eat bake goods because the sky is blue, but whatever.  Anyway, I've copied and pasted the info on the Nashville bake sale...

Hungry for Change Bake Sale

The Future is Sweet
Outside Bongo Java
11th and Woodland
Nashville, TN 37206
21 June, 12:00 PM
"We'll be meeting outside Bongo Java, on the corner of Woodland and 11th where there's a nice shady tree! The place is definitely handicap accessible, plenty of parking available, and while I won't be bringing any pets, feel free to bring any that you want  Or children."

WHERE: Bongo Java
11th and Woodland
Nashville, TN 37206
WHEN: Saturday, June 21, noon
DIRECTIONS: From 24, take the Shelby exit. Turn right on Shelby and continue on until 11th. Turn left on 11th, and go until you see all the awesome people selling tasty baked goods

I keep thinking of old Rupert

"As Washington Post reporter Paul Farhi wrote in a recent issue of American Journalism Review, 'critics often blame 'the media,' as if the sins of some are the sins of all. It's not just a bland, inexact generalization; it's a slur. The media are, of course, made up of numerous parts, many of which bear little relation to each other."


Big Bro

Mr. Bush v. the Bill of Rights


Turn Signals Optional

Check out the "Nashville Driving Instructions" over at Nashvillest.  #10 is my personal favorite.

If someone actually has their turn signal on, it is probably a factory defect.

First Lady

Rather than pulling Mrs. Obama behind a curtain, her husband’s campaign is pushing her farther out on stage. She remains a charismatic presence, and when she gives her husband a fist dap or talks of him as a father, she is telling voters, this is a regular guy. This South Side woman anchors him in her reality.
I thought this was an interesting profile of our next First Lady - Michelle Obama Looks for a New Introduction

Numbers and States on a Colorful Map

Poll: Obama leading in swing states

CNN's Electoral College Map



I was going to post a link to "The California Supreme Court's attack on marriage," an ugly little piece written by the Family Reseach Council's President*, but why? It made me outrageously mad (The Tatie says I should choose to be amused at the stupidity, but it's hard to laugh at hate speech), so why link it to upset other people. However, if you need a little red hot anger to spice up your evening, it should be easy to find.

Instead, how about some adorable little old ladies getting married?! Found it by way of Newscoma.

*I prefer Asshole-in-Chief

The Sidekick

CNN has an interesting area set up on their website to present possible running mates for Obama. My dream ticket, of course, would be Obama/Edwards. It might've been interesting to see Gov. Bredesen on that list, but I doubt he has any name recognition outside of Tennessee. Anyway, you can find that here.

Here's another quickie on the prospect of Gore sharing the ticket - one seen as unlikely by most. Candy Crowley also brought it up on the AC360° blog today. It says pretty much the same thing as every other assessment of that hypothetical ticket, but I just enjoy the crap out of the tone of her posts, so I'll link it anyway.

Lamar! - Douchebag Extrordinaire

I love the way he keeps making efforts to appear that he gives a shit that you and I are having to struggle just to get to work (well, I am, anyway), but helped to block the bill to that would tax the windfall profits for oil companies. Can't decide whether to express my feelings with "phony" or "douchebag."

The Tatie voiced her frustration in an e-mail to me this morning:
I find it so disingenous when Lamar! posts his stupid "Tell me your gas stories" then turns around and votes against removing oil industry tax breaks and taxing their excessive profits instead.
 Then he lies and talks about how the bill (or maybe it was the global warming bill) would make gas prices go sky high.
Hey, asshole: They are already sky high, and the experts say the legislation would raise gas prices like 20 cents a gallon a year! You just have your nose stuck too far up their asses to smell the shit!

Grant for HIV research

I wasn't a good math/science student, so this article was a bit over my head, but it sounds like this grant is a good thing.

Still sounds like McBush to me.

How Close McCain Is to Bush Depends on the Issue

Yet while it would be hard to categorize him as a doctrinaire Republican or conservative, Mr. McCain appears to have ceded some of his carefully cultivated reputation as a maverick.


Dogfighting referee tied to Vick gets 13 years in prison


"The problems we’re facing in this country are, in fact, solvable."

One simple question
Katrina vanden Heuvel
The Nation
It started with one simple question posed by Senator Bernie Sanders to his constituents in an invitation to a town meeting: what does the decline of the middle class mean to you personally? [...]


I was just looking for the "...not our priority." quote from '02, but I ran across this post with several other gems:

I'm sure this means nothing, but it's still enough to give me nightmares:

Congratulations to Mr. Sulu and others:

I agree:

Yellow Matter Custard Dripping From a Dead Dog's Eye (Sorry! Had to!)

Found this by way of Nashvillest:

To whoever dumped the dead dog wrapped in plastic on Miami Ave.... (Donelson, Miami Ave)

Thanks a lot you colossal idiots! I was walking my dogs today and came across the hideous scene. Vultures were attempting to feast on this thing wrapped in plastic by the side of the road. Did it not occur to you that wrapping your huge fucking dog up in plastic and dumping it would look suspiciously like a dead body?! I had to call the cops to come investigate. The police officer thought it was a body at first. Then she was left to the gruesome task of unwrapping this thing [...]

The Bush-McCain Challenge: Planned Parenthood Edition

Bumper Sticker Madness

So I shared what I believe is an excellent idea with The Tatie today.

You know those obnoxious "W Still The President" stickers that popped up on the illegally parked suburban assault vehicles of overprivileged white women after the 2004 election? After Obama wins the election* why not have stickers that say "Yes We Did"**??? I'm just sayin...

*Back off, buddy - I choose to look at it this way because I've got HOPE!
**Yes, I realize that the "Yes We Can" slogan is in reference not to getting Obama elected, but to the changes that have to take place after the election, but still...

Gore to endorse Obama

Gore to Appear With Obama
By Jeff Zeleny
Published: June 16, 2008

Former Vice President Al Gore will appear in Detroit tonight for his debut campaign appearance with Senator Barack Obama, extending an endorsement and urging all Democrats to rally behind the party’s fall ticket.

Welcome to the party, glad you could make it

Get Osama Bin Laden before I leave office, orders George W Bush

I saw the headline and thought it was a joke. Shouldn't this have been a priority, oh, over the past seven years?! Instead, Bush & Co. decided to paint Bin Laden as inconsequential.

I assume that the purpose of this is to fix Bush's "legacy." Of course, with the right timing (October Surprise, anyone?), this would probably give McCain an undeserved boost.


I could've just Twittered it.

Malachi & Me
Upgraded the Flickr account to Pro today, so expect many pictures soon. I took 4,632 (rough estimate) pictures at PLAY last night, and I hope to have those online tomorrow.

UPDATE: Dammit. I changed the template, and fucked up the label cloud and the expandable content box that the Backwards Bush counter is in.  This will have to wait until tomorrow to be fixed because I'm too busy watching some show about Ted Bundy.  Important.

[So, no, I couldn't have Twittered it.  At least there's that.]

Misplaced Priorities

Taliban attack frees Afghan inmates

This is what happens when you take your eye off of the ball.


Those shoez are mine, BETCH!

Pay day is a day for irresponsible splurges. There were the aforementioned speakers, and then there were SHOEZ. OMG! SHOEZ!

love games

In honor of the awesome speakers I bought on impulse today, I give you a moment of Old Gregg...


Lying liars

Huckaboom Hits TV

Guess what network? My stomach is churning.

Lawd, no!

CNN's Lou Dobbs mum on run for NJ governor

I firmly believe that Lou had his heart broken by a Mexican woman once.

Metallica plays secret show at the basement

Metallica plays secret Nashville show for audience of 175





this moment in whatthefuckery brought to you by me.

Anderson's Arms

What's going on with Andy's arms? He's a superhero.

Sometimes I wonder if it's all a nightmare

Fox News raises hackles again with "baby mama" phrase

There's a special place in hell for Rupert Murdoch and his minions.

A lying liar

McCain Makes Stuff Up

So he's a liar and a hypocrite. Surprise, surprise.

Give me a fuckin break!

Talk Radio’s Last Stand?

I'm certainly not broken up about this

FEC complaint filed against Blackburn


The Echo Chamber Keeps Churning Out the Stupid

I ran across a Los Angeles Times blog post about the bullshit forwards we've all seen about Obama - you know, the ones you have to delete when you realize what they are so that anger doesn't cause you to put a brick through your monitor (or maybe I just need a little anger management.

Barack Obama vs. the Internet rumor machine

I think that the type of people who would buy into/be swayed by this shocking level of ignorance a) probably wouldn't vote for an African American*;
b) probably wouldn't ever vote for a Dem; c) probably watch Fox "News" so they most likely wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in the face. Did I mention shallow gene pools? I'm just sayin...

However, I have a hard time letting bullshit get by without at least attempting to set the record straight. Last month Mary Mancini posted a handy response to such e-mails (I've even seen them as Myspace bulletin posts) at Liberadio(!). I've bookmarked it and have found myself almost wanting to get another of those forwards - in spite of the can of worms it might open up:

It’s Time for The Busy to Stop and Take the Time to Fight The Crazy.

The Times article also had a link to a section of Obama's sight set up specifically to counter this type of misinformation:


*Tatie, my favorite editor, was I supposed to hyphenate that? I can never remember.

100 Years

I was reading this opinion piece ["One more year in Iraq, or 100?"] and the following stood out to me:

Long-term use of more than 50 bases in Iraq," plus immunity from Iraqi law for U.S. troops and contractors, "and a free hand to carry out arrests and conduct military activities in Iraq without consulting the Baghdad government.

There's potential for a story-within-a-story here. "immunity from Iraqi law for U.S. troops and contractors"??? I'm not being sarcastic, but posing a question - why the contractors? There has to be some logical reason that I'm missing. And surely this doesn't mean that the contractors can rape and murder innocent civilians - or each other - without consequence, right?

Furthermore, I'm trying to imagine what it would be like if some other country had these powers within the U.S. That's completely frightening.

Wednesday Evening Reading Material

I'm a little late linking to these stories, but here they are for anyone who is as out of touch as yours truly -

Abramoff Had Closer Ties to Bush
Color me shocked!

Senate Republicans block windfall profit taxes on Big Oil
The unexpected just keeps coming...

Republicans: Not Warm and/or Fuzzy

A couple of months ago Jack Cafferty cited an article (I can't remember what publication, and I'm not really having any luck googling it***) that basically stated that the Republican nominee would have a hard time getting tough if Obama ended up being the Democratic nominee because they were going to have to really be careful not to say things that would be perceived as being racist. Republicans are not historically known for being warm and fuzzy toward other races or civil rights, so I think there's a good point to be found there.

I don't like that this country hasn't progressed enough for race not even to be a factor, but I'm also not bothered that Republicans/McCain may either a) have to tread lightly against my guy or b) fuck up and say the wrong thing (I think McCain will be extra careful not to do it, but I see it as highly likely that people within the party will end up making huge missteps - whether intentional or not - as far as things that aren't ok to say . . . like I said, not exactly warm and fuzzy with people who look differently/love differently/feel differently/believe differently) if it's going to help those swing voters turn blue.

I found an article today that went into this a bit:

***UPDATED 8:09 p.m.***

I found it! Cafferty paraphrased:

The Republicans are the party of Macaca and Katrina and race relations aren't their long suit. And it could prove awkward for them to get aggressive in a campaign against a black candidate.

The op-ed piece, "Who's Afraid of Barack Obama?" by Frank Rich ran in The New York Times back in December.
It really only touched on the above point I was trying to make, but still...

Way to go, Board of Education!

Metro's Board of Education has extended their policy against discrimination of employees to include sexual orientation, and is apparently one of the few school systems in Tennessee to make such an inclusion.


I just thought it was funny:

Politics: Now Available in SEXY


Bill Moyers Ambushed by O'Reilly's Producer

Where is the $20 a barrel oil?

I feel hopes of financial security slipping through my fingers everyday...

Aunt B paints a clear picture of what the price of gas is doing not only to my coworkers, most of whom live in Dickson, but the way it's putting the squeeze on the rest of us: Guess Who’s Back Lingering Around My Cabin Door?

I'm lucky enough to live very close to my office (a smidge too far to drive, unfortunately). I got in my car at lunchtime today to go home for some lunch, but got half way down the street and then returned to my desk. I just couldn't justify going home for lunch (yes, I realize that I should've had the foresight to pack lunch - it's just that I was randomly hungry today, whereas I normally skip lunch) with gas being $4 a gallon. That's small potatoes compared to people who are having to do without a lot more because of our economic situation/the energy crisis, but I've felt more and more of the effects of the rising cost of fuel lately AND I DON'T LIKE IT.

If you'll allow me...

By way of Tiny Cat Pants I came across this:

I just thought he made some interesting points. I don't believe that what he's saying rings true for all of these women - I think in some cases it's sheer childishness - but he brought up some interesting issues I hadn't thought of. Namely that withholding support from Obama will only keep power in the exact same place it's always been. Food for thought.

As a tabloid-y side note, I was taken aback over the thing about McCain calling his wife a cunt in public. I can't really raise hell about it since I've been known to throw the word around myself, but I had no idea that he had such a nasty temper. McNasty, indeed.

Just a note

I'm neither smart enough nor articulate enough to write a fantastically witty blog, so I spend my time linking to others that I find funny or insightful. Hope that's ok.


I'm trying to think of something worse than a mother who sells her child's diapers for Red Rull & ecstasy money.

*pauses to think*

Nope, I've got nothin'.



It makes me sad to read blogs by women who are excited that Obama's name was booed in HRC's concession [suspension?] speech. It's so childish. A lot of people will get over their hurt feelings and do the right (LEFT!) thing in November, but I'm not sure about some of these hardcore "I'm going to take my ball and go home" women. Ugh.



People ("people" being Josh and Scott) have been at my house drinking beer and enjoying the Wii in the past few days. I have evidence of this:

[click photos to go to Flickr and see them in larger or smaller sizes]

Mal & Scott  


Need Writer, Producer & Director...

So Bockie sent me a link to the following post on Craigslist:

Need Writer, Producer & Director for my music

Date: 2008-06-04, 7:02PM CDT

I am a very talented composer & musician with many a great film score in my head;
I just need you to make a film to go with it. I'm sure my music will do well on the
festival circuit (Sundance, etc.) once you provide the finished film. You
must be very talented and hardworking; only a quality script will do. You have
to write, produce, and direct a film worthy of my music, so this means great
script, and excellent production values. Send finished film to me for
consideration. I can't pay you, but maybe we can work out some compensation
for you after I recover my costs when we sell the movie for distribution.

  • Compensation: Copy and credit only for now 
  • Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
  • Please, no phone calls about this job!
  • Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests
PostingID: 707929883

My initial reaction was "what a douche!" But the humor of it quickly hit me, and I insisted that he e-mail the poster. As Bockenstein learned long ago, it is much easier to acquiesce to my demands, so he composed and sent what follows:

Dear Sir,

I am a screenwriter, director, and producer based here in Nashville, TN. I saw your post and was immediately inspired to make another film so that I could have the opportunity to utilize this amazing music of yours - even if no one up to this point has ever thought it amazing enough to use in a film besides you.

I certainly hope you are in no hurry. Films take a little time to produce - sometimes even weeks. I've already contacted investors, as I'm sure it will take a budget of at least $1 million to create the kind of production values you would feel are up to par with your symphonic miracles. But if this music is as good as you say it is (which is all i'll have to go on before i start this process), then i'm confident it will be worth every borrowed penny.

The other hurdle is a script. You're absolutely right - not just any bunch-of-words-on-paper screenplay would be suitable for these blessed arrangements. Craigslist is no place for amateurs, and only the best will do here. I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy (long story) who is friends with Joel Cohen's gardner. Through several degrees of separation I'm hoping to coerce he, his brother Ethan, or perhaps someone a like Charlie Kaufman, Paul Schrader (he wrote Raging Bull and Taxi Driver, which means he has potential, but I'm thinking with a little encouragement and instruction, we could get something we can use out of him), or maybe Woody Allen if no one else will do it.

These guys will no doubt want money to pen this masterpiece of ours, but fortunately, i have faith in your music. I am including a copy of your CL ad which i'm certain would convince them to forego their usual hefty fees in favor of such a monumental career move.

So that's it. The wheels are in motion my friend. All that is left to do at this point is thank you for posting this godsend of an online classified in my city. Otherwise I might have never known such sublime sonic supremacy even existed.

Like I said, given i have to complete this gem before you will approve it, you'll have to be patient with me. My investors just called and they think it's a bit of a gamble to perform this kind of feat on the word of an anonymous CL poster/ no-name composer who apparently has no film credits to speak of, but they lack one important element that's crucial to this business - FAITH.

They have no faith and that is why they will lose and we will win. I will get you your film, sir, and I will leave a place in my heart vacant that will remain so until it is filled with this majestic resonance orchestrated by the hand of God himself and downloaded directly through your divine vessels/fingers and into my cinematic piece de resistance.

Best Wishes,
Seth Lewis Graves
Art Official Pop Productions

P.S. I would also suggest you attempt to contact Ethan and Joel personally as they apparently can't seem to find a better composer than this joke of a man Carter Burwell - who consequently doesn't know his crescendo from staccato.

Why not?

An inspiring piece from Time by John Edwards:
Why do we turn away?


Take a look at this AC360° post about an elderly man who was hit by a car, after which passersby did nothing:

The best and worst in us

Can you imagine if you were that man and no one even came and talked to you?


Here's the deal with the previous post...

Somewhere along the way I fucked up the image urls. However, I am really tired right now - so much so that HTML is starting to look like some moving optical illusion, so I'm not going to fix it. If you click the thumbnails (even the Flickr error ones), they should take you to the larger picture. My dog's cute. The end.

*****Scott is in the kitchen getting audibly upset over the state of health insurance in our country. What exactly precipitated this, I do not know.

i turn my camera on


Another - even closer to home

Coyotes spotted on 53rd and 54th Avenues

I wanna be your boo!

HAHA!!! I saw this live last night and called mom immediately.



Sounds like HRC's wrappin' it up...

I think by tomorrow night - or Wednesday morning at the latest - everyone will finally be able to focus on the matter at hand.

Check out what Cafferty had to say.

French Quarter Cafe

I'm backtracking a bit ... here are a couple of shots of Mal and Ariel when we went to French Quarter Cafe Saturday evening.

They look so very unexcited that I'm assaulting them with a camera!

Mal and I had gone to Shine earlier in the day for haircuts - Ariel has found evidence of this.

Gayin' it up with Twister

Yesterday afternoon Joe and I hit up Nashville Pride's Sunday event at the park. Joe stopped for a game of Twister with a little boy and subsequently got owned by said child. Photographic evidence: