
Lamar! - Douchebag Extrordinaire

I love the way he keeps making efforts to appear that he gives a shit that you and I are having to struggle just to get to work (well, I am, anyway), but helped to block the bill to that would tax the windfall profits for oil companies. Can't decide whether to express my feelings with "phony" or "douchebag."

The Tatie voiced her frustration in an e-mail to me this morning:
I find it so disingenous when Lamar! posts his stupid "Tell me your gas stories" then turns around and votes against removing oil industry tax breaks and taxing their excessive profits instead.
 Then he lies and talks about how the bill (or maybe it was the global warming bill) would make gas prices go sky high.
Hey, asshole: They are already sky high, and the experts say the legislation would raise gas prices like 20 cents a gallon a year! You just have your nose stuck too far up their asses to smell the shit!

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