
Backed into a corner

When I heard the story about the Muslim women being denied seats behind Obama, I was seething. But not entirely for the reason you might think.

I absolutely DO NOT condone the treatment that the two women received. It was a regrettable error in judgement. HOWEVER, I understand exactly why it was done. Obama is backed into a corner - he would have been fucked if they'd sat behind him just as much as he was fucked because they were refused the spot (moreso for the former, probably).

We are looking at a man who has had to open up a website in the midst of his campaign in order to combat the lies and completely false smears that have plagued him from the right. If you can tell me that you honestly believe that a shot of him with those women behind him wouldn't have been plastered all over Faux News and been pasted into those ridiculous "Obama is a Muslim" emails and twisted every which way, then you're a moron.

That said, it's still really unfortunate that the ladies in question were shunned the way they were, and it sends a really shitty message.

I have also, from the start, taken the stance when I've seen those silly e-mails that falsely state Obama's religion as Islam that I had more of a problem with the insinuation that being a Muslim is something bad than the fact that it's just simply not the guy's religion. These willfully ignorant assclowns who buy into this shit seem to believe that all Muslims are terrorists, not at all taking into account that those who perpetrate terrorism are fringe extremists - fundamentalists. So by their "rationale," all Christians shoot doctors and blow up clinics. Um, no. Stereotyping is such an ugly, ugly thing.

Still, I must admit, I've taken the position - and it seems like most have, that the importance of the "what's wrong with being a Muslim" argument is overshadowed by "here are the facts, look at that and let's get him into office." I guess that's really just playing to peoples' prejudice to achieve the ends that we as Democrats want out of 2008, but things are bad and I just don't think I can stand what would effectively end up as another term of Bush. What I'm saying is, let's tackle this one thing at a time. I don't know. I feel guilty.

I just want to see him in the White House so bad it hurts.

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